What’s In My Cart For the Sephora VIB Sale?

I was surprised with how well my holiday wishlist post did last month (see it here), so I thought I’d show you a peek into my Sephora cart in anticipation of the VIB Sale. The official sale date hasn’t been announced yet (which is super annoying, because we usually have concrete dates by now!) but it should be coming up mid-November. For those unaware, if you’re a member of Sephora’s Beauty Insider program, you get a percentage discount based on how much you’ve spent at Sephora in a calendar year. $0-349 will get you 10% off, and over $350 gets you 20% off (I THINK).

As Sephora in North America doesn’t really have sales all that often, this is the perfect time to get your staple products as well as items you may not want to spend full price on (because really… makeup is EXPENSIVE).

Too Faced Christmas in New York - The Chocolate Shop
Too Faced Christmas in New York – The Chocolate Shop

I’m going to start with the most exciting pieces and work my way down to the boring ones (in my eyes, anyway). Holiday makeup palettes are MY JAM when it comes to the holiday season and you guys already all know I’m a damn sucker for Too Faced. I avoided the holiday sets last year because they were touted as a glitter bomb and they just felt too similar to the 2013 and 2014 releases I had from them. I HAVE REGRETTED THAT EVER SINCE. And it sounds silly to want to collect something just for the sake of collecting, but damn, I seriously really regret not having that collection. 🙁 So anyway, the Christmas in New York sets are very similar to the Christmas in Paris sets from 2015, but I’m okay with it. I loved the Grande Hotel Cafe (I received that set from PR, you can see my swatches here, or my three look video here), my friend Sara has already picked me up the Ulta exclusive one (Merry Macarons), and of course I have to complete the set with The Chocolate Shop. Obsessed? Who ME? 😉

The Too Faced Christmas in New York – The Chocolate Shop set can be purchased on sephora.ca for $72 CAD or on sephora.com for $58 USD.

Too Faced Melted Matte in Candy Cane
Too Faced Melted Matte in Candy Cane

Much to my surprise, the Too Faced Melted Matte in Candy Cane is actually available on Sephora’s site (I thought it was a TooFaced.com exclusive before)! Although I’m not a huge fan of liquid lipsticks, I am willing to make the exception for this one. Not only is a gorgeous colour, but it also comes in adorable packaging! This one goes for $25 CAD/$21 USD.

Kat Von D Metal Matte
Kat Von D Metal Matte

Okay… I’m kind of waffling on this one. I didn’t think I wanted the Kat Von D Metal Matte palette… until EVERYONE started raving about it. Ughhhhh. I’ve watched swatch videos, review videos, tutorial videos and I’m starting to feel like if I don’t get this one, I’m missing out big time. The value you’re getting in this one palette is kind of insane too. We’ll see if I end up getting it, but if you’re interested in this one you should know that I have yet to see a bad review! The Metal Matte palette goes for $74 CAD or $60 USD.

Tarte Color Wheel
Tarte Color Wheel

I was really, really interested in this Tarte Color Wheel because it’s got a phenomenal number of blushes in it! The Tarte blush formula is one of my absolute favourites and I reach for my single quite frequently. Sadly, the Color Wheel is currently out of stock on sephora.ca so I have no idea if it’ll come back in stock before the sale. That being said, it might actually be a blessing if it’s NOT in stock because one of my favourite YouTubers (Emily Noel) pretty much disliked almost every powder product she’s tried from Tarte’s holiday launch this year. So I kind of feel like the quality isn’t on par with their regular line up of products. 🙁

Although the Tarte Color Wheel is currently out of stock on the Canadian side, you can still get it US side for $44 USD.

Smashbox Light I Up Lipstick set
Smashbox Light I Up Lipstick set

Smashbox‘s Be Legendary lipstick formula has become one of my favourite discoveries this past year.  The formula is exceptionally smooth and comfortable on both the matte and creme formulas. There is no lingering unpleasant scent and the colours wear like a dream. I wish Smashbox got more attention for these lipsticks because they are simply incredible. I’ll happily pick up six minis so I’ve got a variety of colour to play with! It also comes with a mini Insta-matte, which is a fun product to use (I reviewed it here), but it’s not one I personally find myself using on a day to day basis.

This awesome set goes for $36 CAD on sephora.ca or for $29 USD on sephora.com. (Your value for money is EXTREMELY high in this gift set by the way!)

Drybar Sake Bomb Shampoo and Conditioner
Drybar Sake Bomb Shampoo and Conditioner

One of the more ridiculously priced items in my cart are these Drybar Sake Bomb Shampoo and Conditioner. They go for $30 CAD each, which I think is just INSANE for a shampoo or conditioner. BUT… I really, REALLY loved how it made my hair feel. I wasn’t huge on the scent, but there was a noticeable change in my hair when I used this. (Full review can be found here.) The 20% off will help me justify the cost of buying these items because I really see this as an insanely luxurious item (since I usually opt for $4 shampoo and conditioner!).

Sephora Black Magic Makeup Remover Cloths
Sephora Black Magic Makeup Remover Cloths

I’ve heard a lot of people talking about makeup removing cloths lately, so I want to try them out myself. (Mostly because I’ve been using a paper towel every day to remove all the makeup removing oil off my face at the end of the day and let’s be honest… that’s really freaking ghetto.) I thought I’d pick up the Sephora brand one since I’ve seen good reviews, and they’re really reasonably priced: $15 CAD/$12 USD will get you two cloths!

Anastasia Dipbrow Pomade in Taupe
Anastasia Dipbrow Pomade in Taupe

I’ve been out of a brow pomade for a loooong while now and I really want to get back into using them. My favourite has been the Anastasia Dipbrow and I previously finished an entire pot of the Blonde shade. I did find that Blonde colour was a bit too pea soup coloured for my liking, so I’m going to try the Taupe shade this time. Dipbrow will set you back $23 CAD/$18 USD which is pretty amazing considering it’ll take you almost a year of daily use to finish up the entire pot!

Givenchy Simply Irresistible
Givenchy Simply Irresistible

Last on my list is a bottle of perfume because heaven knows these suckers are EXPENSIVE. I’ve been really enjoying my sample size of Givenchy‘s Very Irresistible perfume and thought maybe I’d like a full bottle of it. I’m still very much on the fence about this one as the price is hella high. Sadly, the ounce bottle is only available in the US (and that one has the most reasonable price tag associated with it), so if I buy it, I have to bite the bullet at $89 CAD/$75 USD. Ouch. Honestly, I love the scent, but this might be the first one on my list to get the boot when it comes to parring down my list!

ACKKKK! I almost forgot the most exciting thing! The Urban Decay Full Spectrum palette! I have no price tag for this one yet, but I expect it to be around $70 CAD. I AM IN LOVE WITH THE LOOK OF THIS PALETTE! It’s supposed to be released on October 26th and I may not be able to wait till the sale to pick it up!

Phew okay… that’s an astronomical amount of product and I’ll probably only end up buying half the things on this list! But that’s where I’m at with my shopping cart so far though! Are you thinking of picking up anything during the sale? Let me know!

12 thoughts on “What’s In My Cart For the Sephora VIB Sale?

  1. I really want to try the Drybar shampoo and conditioner after reading your review, so those are in my shopping cart. I also have a bunch of perfumes in there that I’m going to have to narrow down. But that’s it, I’m trying to be good!

    1. I hope they work for you as well as they did for me. It’s a bit of a bullet to swallow considering the price tag so it makes me nervous to recommend something so pricey. But hey, if I’m willing to spend my money on it, I figure others would be too!
      What perfumes are you looking at picking up? Let me know!

      1. I’m getting full sized bottles of Tocca Cleopatra and Viktor & Rolf Flowerbomb (my two favorites) and the Elizabeth and James Nirvana discovery set. So far.

  2. I just watched Emily Noel’s review on the KVD palette and she just raved about it…and now I feel like I need it.
    Totally want that Tarte Blush palette too – but I didn’t realize it was sold out here. Ugh!
    Great picks!

    1. Sold out at least makes it easier to pick what you’re going to buy? Hah – only kinda! 😉
      Yeah I definitely feel like I need the KVD palette based on recent reviews from Emily Noel and Stephanie Nicole. If those two agree… I’ll pretty much buy anything!

  3. I’m interested to hear how the makeup remover cloths work for you! I picked up the Makeup Eraser a few months ago and really like it – but I’d love to have a couple more without paying that price again.

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