An Introduction to Drybar (Sake Bomb + Detox)

I know there’s a lot of people out there familiar with Drybar, but I definitely wasn’t one of them until recently! Here’s a roundup of some of the items I’ve tried recently:

Drybar Sake Bomb Shampoo + Conditioner
Drybar Sake Bomb Shampoo + Conditioner

The first items are the Sake Bomb Nourishing Shampoo and Conditioner. It’s funny, cuz I’m going into this review having used both bottles up completely, but I had no idea they were even labelled nourishing. I just threw them in my shower and started using them over a month ago.

So here are my thoughts:

  • The smell is STRONG. It’s the first thing you’re going to notice when you pop that lid. I did NOT like it when I first used it, but as the month wore on, I started to love to love it.
  • I’m a daily hair washer, but these two products combined often left me with hair that hadn’t turned greasy by the next morning (so I could easily go out without washing my hair again if I hadn’t worked out the day prior). This was surprising since I can’t recall another shampoo/conditioner combo doing this to me in recent memory. Pretty impressive!
  • The shampoo lathers well and the conditioner hydrates. I wasn’t left with a rat’s nest that required leave in conditioner either! My hair has even felt extra bouncy!
  • The bottle looks like you’d have to twist the whole dang thing off in order to get the product. WRONG! It comes with a normal flip top lid as I’ve handily pictured below:
Drybar Sake Bomb
Drybar Sake Bomb
  • The price point is… different. Both the shampoo and conditioner retail for $30 CAD ($24  USD). I’ll leave it to you to decide if that’s expensive or not. I’m personally slightly aghast at the price tag… but then I remember how well this works in my hair and the temptation to buy it is REAL.

Now, what does Drybar say about their Sake Bomb range? This is “a nourishing shampoo that’s ideal for dry and/or medium-to-coarse hair and creates healthy-looking strands”. I believe I was sent this particular product because I’m blonde and most people assume my hair colour is fake (it’s not). That being said, I found that this did work incredibly well on my hair, even going so far as to keep the grease at bay on day two! Is the price tag worth it? I’m not going to make that judgement call for you because we all come from different lifestyles. Me personally? I think I’ll be picking this up again! (But will likely wait for the Sephora sale to do so!)

Drybar Detox Dry Conditioner and Dry Shampoo
Drybar Detox Dry Conditioner and Dry Shampoo

Next up is the Drybar Detox Dry Shampoo and Dry Conditioner. These smell identical to the Sake Bomb products above, but wayyy more intense.

The Dry Shampoo does its job (and what more do you really want from a dry shampoo?). When I need a dry shampoo -which isn’t too often, to be honest – I need it to blast the grease in my hair and murder it quickly so I can last the next few hours before I make it to my shower (namely when I’m going for a quick coffee or running errands, etc.). I’ve also used it to create volume for backcombing, and it also does that as well. Heads up though… let it soak in before you rub it in with your fingers. I get a bit of a whitecast even on my blonde hair so you REALLY need to comb it through to make sure you get all of the powder doing its soaky-uppy job. My husband has used it too and it worked wonders on his super greasy second day hair!

The Dry Conditioner... I hate to end this post on a bad note… but I don’t get this product at all. Supposedly this is “a dry conditioner that extends the life of a blowout by providing the benefits of a conditioner without the need to wet hair and blow dry afterwards.” You’re encouraged to use this from the middle of the hair shaft downwards… and yet… that’s not where I need the oomph in my hair when it’s fighting the second day hair grease battle. It also doesn’t detangle my hair when it’s knotty so I can’t figure out what the heck to use this for. If you have suggestions, PLEASE tell me – I would love to know how to use this product correctly!

So there’s my roundup! Loved the shampoo and conditioner, as well as the dry shampoo. I can do without the dry conditioner, but hey… three out of four is pretty darn good! Let me know what you’ve tried by Drybar – what works, what doesn’t. I’d love to hear both. 🙂

The products featured in this review were sent to me for consideration.

6 thoughts on “An Introduction to Drybar (Sake Bomb + Detox)

  1. You and I have different hair types for sure – and the reason I like the Drybar Detox Conditioner, is because my hair is super fine even on the days that I wash it. On second day it looks thinner and more scraggly. Dry Conditioner fluffs it up more, to look more presentable. Maybe this one should be marketed towards those with not much hair, like myself.
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    1. Oh! Good to know! I was so flummoxed on what to do with this product. I was reading some of the Sephora reviews and someone said they bought it as hair perfume. LOL!

  2. Very curious about the dry conditioner too. I have no idea how to use that…I have one from Batiste and it just sits on my shelf. Do let me know if you ever find out!

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