Fitness Friday – Come on a Wintry Run With Me!


So last Sunday it looked like this outside (above). It had been snowing for a couple hours and I needed to get another ~5k run in. I had just gone on an awesome 8k outdoor run the day prior and wanted to go outside again.  Despite the snowfall, I decided to give it a shot and take my camera along with me.


Even though it’s about -13C, I really don’t need a ton of clothing to go out for a run. If I wear too much I end up sweating buckets which in turn cools me down too much and I end up absolutely freezing. So the key to this is to actually wear as little clothing as possible in order to sustain a minimum amount of body heat. For me, at -13C, I only need a running tank under a t-shirt, a very light cotton jacket (this one is from Lululemon), a pair of leggings (Old Navy) and some dollar store gloves. No hat, no fancy running gear, just a few layers and I’m good to go.


And these cat socks. Have to have these cat socks.


About to head out! The hood on my jacket usually stays up for a few minutes into the run, just long enough for my body to heat up. At that point the hood comes off and I’m good to go for the rest of the run.


The sidewalks were decidedly NOT clear and it was actually really rough on the calves. Every now and then I’d hit a patch of sidewalk that had been salted (bless your hearts whoever did that) and it was like suddenly getting a speed boost a la Mario Kart!


I love this bridge – it’s the Bloor Viaduct that essentially turns Bloor Street East into the Danforth, while crossing over the Don Valley Parkway (DVP). Oddly, this sidewalk is usually pretty clear, so it’s not too bad to run on. I saw a couple of other runners out  along here as well.


My amorphous blob of a fingertip is pointing out where we’re headed once we get off the bridge. That’s the Bridepoint Medical Centre at Broadview and Gerrard off in the distance. Although it’s only three kilometers away, it looks frigging FAR!


Off the bridge and down Broadview, we eventually hit Riverdale Park East. I’ve played soccer down in that valley often during the summer, but throughout the winter it makes a pretty awesome hill for sledding down (top right photo shows a few people out there sledding).


Since I live right downtown, I love getting out to Broadview and running the length of it because there’s a lot of open space with nature around which isn’t something you see if you stick strictly to the downtown core. Unfortunately, the sidewalks are still pretty bad in this area – a lot of muck and built up ice and snow. And just to make this scene even more Toronto-esque, there’s a streetcar.


Now we’ve made it down to Bridgepoint Medical (aka DYAD) and you can faintly see the Bloor Viaduct way off in the distance which is where we came from. To the left is the DVP, which we’re about to cross over.


And we’re finally reaching the end of the run! Back up into Allan Gardens for the remaining kilometer. This park is especially pretty throughout the winter. Honestly, I think its the lamp posts and benches that make it look particularly pretty all dusted in snow.


I was tired at this point and very clearly covered in snow! It’s surprising how much extra work it is to push yourself through the snow on the ground. When you’re sliding all over the place you have to be hyper aware of where you’re placing your feet so you I couldn’t just turn my mind off (or try to) as I normally do throughout a run.


And that’s me done my run for the day! I did about 5.6 kilometers and was pretty happy I got out there. While the snow is beautiful and made for some pretty shots, I think the next time I see that much snow on the ground I’ll choose to go to the gym and run around the track instead!

I do really love winter running though and when the sidewalks are clear, I definitely prefer it over summer running. I love how the cold weather fakes me feel invigorated and alive. Summer running just makes me feel sweaty and sloppy!


I don’t know if anyone else ever feels this, but after a winter run, once I get back inside, I end up with insane chills. Chills that feel like I’m coming down with the flu! I usually end up putting on more clothing than I was even wearing outside. The chills subside within an hour or so, but it’s a really bizarre sensation because I definitely wasn’t cold while I was  out in the snow.


To heat up just that little bit quicker I’ll either make some tea or hop in the bath tub. Today I opted for the tea route and lately I’ve been dying over the Red Velvet Cake loose leaf tea fromDavid’s Tea. I mean hell, just look at it: There are sprinkles and chocolate chips mixed amongst the leaves!

Hope you enjoyed a look into one of my runs! Anyone else love running in the snow?

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