Seek Inspiration in Strange Places

Admittedly, this post is actually a year out of date, but I still wanted to post it.

Allow me to explain. My boss at work wears funky socks. Last January (2015) I was inspired by his pink and green socks to wear the same colour eyeshadows the next day. I had this idea in my head to take photographs of his socks for five days in a row and try to do makeup inspired by them. Of course, the doofus then wore RIDICULOUS socks with like… 10 colours in each of them (obviously to annoy me since he knew I was going to do this) and that kind of killed my motivation.

BUT! I did create two looks based on his socks and I figured I’d share it even if it is a year out of date. In the end, I never managed to do all five looks, which is what put me off posting this in the last 13 months, but hey, let’s not waste the fact that I did find inspiration somewhere unique!


The sock that inspired it all. These pink and green socks inspired the following look:


I didn’t really care if the colours were bang on, I just liked the way the two colours worked together to create a striking contrast.


The next pair were a relatively straightforward inspiration:


I think mine looks naval, or something. The white from the socks didn’t translate as much onto my eyes (I tried for white eyeshadow but it got kind of lost.

I encourage you to find inspiration in a weird place and use it to your advantage!

Also, I’ve finally caved and am no longer just stalking YouTubers on Snapchat. Find me here:


10 thoughts on “Seek Inspiration in Strange Places

    1. Yeah – I kind of but it off and off and off and then I finally realized I wasn’t going to try to replicate the other socks, I just kind of gave up. Ah well – I did start it at one point! I just can’t believe it was OVER A YEAR AGO!

  1. Nice job! I’ve been thinking about something similar, althoguh I never attempted it. My inspiration was the bathroom floor tiles at my work. Its a mostly grey floor with green and purple accents, very easy to replicate. Never got to do it, though. Not yet.

    1. Ahhh TANYA! I’ve missed you! I love that you found something beautiful in the bathroom tiles at work – would love to see you recreate something, even if it’s just for play!

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